Complexity Overload

Here’s an example illustrating the complexity of transactions that necessitate multiple steps to complete. For instance, not only is information posted in QuickBooks but also in Excel for various trucking purposes.


Consider a scenario where a vac truck operator submits a work order, prompting the issuance of an invoice based on that work order. Additionally, details regarding water disposals must be recorded in Excel to monitor disposals per vendor for later reconciliation when the vendor submits a bill for water disposals.


The information regarding water disposals is manually written on the timesheet attached to the work order. Subsequently, these timesheet entries (hours) must be matched with the work order hours to determine the billable hours for the customer. Furthermore, the recorded water disposal figures must align with those on the work order to invoice the customer accurately.


The above scenario exemplifies the complexity inherent in our customer transactions, which leads to increased time and costs associated with bookkeeping.

The complexity of transactions requiring multiple steps is highlighted in another example. In this case, transactions involve incomplete source documents that necessitate approval from an authorized person before being posted. For instance, completing a transaction with a bill requires several email exchanges with a customer project manager, who must approve the transaction before it can proceed.

Here’s a breakdown of the process: An email containing information for customer billing is received from the project coordinator. This information must be authorized by a customer project manager, so the email with the details is sent to them for approval. Once approved by the customer project manager, it is then forwarded to the company owner for final approval before the invoice can be sent to the customer.

The complexity is further underscored by the need for multiple email reminders to elicit responses. This scenario exemplifies the intricate nature of our customer transactions, resulting in increased time and costs associated with bookkeeping.